Closing the Company Account Checklist Follow
Please Note: Customers must notify Tallie within the cancelation time frame noted in their contracts or as outlined in our Terms of Service in order to stop auto-renewal of the account.
1. Disable E-mail Notifications
We recommend disabling e-mail notifications before moving forward in order to stop unintended submission, rejection, or export notification's from going to users while you follow the steps below with closing down the account.
To disable e-mail notifications for users, log into Tallie and navigate to Manage Lists >> People and check the box at the top of the list to select all of your users. Next, click Mass Update >> E-Mail Notifications >> No >> Apply to disable all e-mail notifications in the account.
2. Submit and Approve Outstanding Expenses
We recommend admins enable the Admin Overview permission, which will allow the admin to have a birds-eye view of all outstanding expenses in the system that are waiting to be submitted, approved, and exported. This article provides insight into the Admin Overview feature.
3. Complete a Final Export to your Accounting System
When all outstanding expense reports have been submitted and approved, they will all appear on the Export page. From here, you can export all of the reports to the integrated accounting system, or if the accounting system is no longer connected, you can proceed to Step 5 - Creating Backups and export the reports as PDFs.
4. Set your Accounting Integration to Archive
Once the reports have been exported, Tallie can be disconnected from the accounting system. To do so, navigate to Integration & Sync >> Export Settings and switch the Export Destination Drop-downs to Archive >> Save.
Next, go to the Sync Settings page and select Archive from the drop down menu:
5. Create Backups
You can Mass Download Exported Reports to get PDF copies of your reports, including receipts and approval audit trails. The Analytics tool in Tallie will provide a standard report in CSV, TSV, or Excel (.xlsx) formats.
If you require more detail than a standard Analytics report provides, you can Re-Export your data Using a Custom CSV Export when selecting Archive or PDF as your export destination. If you select PDF Printer as your export destination, we recommend exporting in batches of about 30 reports at a time to avoid export errors or delays in compiling your data.