Masquerading as Other Users Follow
As an administrator with Full System Admin rights, you may use Tallie while masquerading as any of your employees. Masquerading is a feature that enables you to perform various actions on your employees' behalf, including the ability to view unsubmitted data and submit, approve, deny, or edit expense reports and items while your employees are on leave. When using masquerading, you are not limited to the permissions of the user you are masquerading as.
- Click on your name in the upper-right corner and select Begin Masquerade.
- In the orange banner that has appeared at the top of the page, select a user to masquerade as and click Begin Masquerading.
- You can also switch users by selecting a different user’s name and clicking Go.
- When you’re finished, click Exit Masquerade to resume your original admin identity.
Please Note: When you use the masquerade feature to perform actions such as sending reminders to users or approving/denying their expense items or reports, it is important to note that notifications related to these actions will be sent from the user that you are masquerading as instead of yourself.