Using the Admin Overview Page Follow
The Admin Overview page allows Tallie Administrators to pinpoint exactly what expenses have yet to be submitted, approved and which reports are ready to be exported. This page provides enhanced visibility into expenses in order to streamline expense processing.
This article shows you, a Tallie Administrator, how to turn on the Admin Overview feature and some best practices for using it.
Add the Admin Overview Permission
Step 1: Click the gear icon to access your Settings.
Step 2: Click Manage Lists.
Step 3: Click the person you'd like to give the permissions to.
Step 4: Click the Permissions tab.
Step 5: Toggle Admin Overview to YES. Click Save to complete.
Using the Admin Overview Page
If you've been given the Admin Overview permission, this is the default page you land on upon signing in.
The content on the Admin Overview page is organized by expense report state: Unsubmitted, Submitted, and Approved. Each report state can be accessed via the blue links in the top-right corner.
Unsubmitted Page
All unsubmitted expense reports with at least one expense are displayed on this page. Click the expense report title to be taken to the report owner's Expense Reports page while masquerading as them.
From there, you'll be able to view and edit expense line item details.
Back on the Unsubmitted page, click at least one report to activate the Remind Users and Submit for Approval buttons.
The Remind Users button sends reminders to report owners asking them to submit their expenses. If you are masquerading as another user, when you click Remind Users the reminder will be sent from the person you are masquerading as.
The Submit for Approval button submits certain expenses for approval.
The corporate card, reimbursable, and total amounts all update in real-time. This means new reports could show up or move along and the totals will update without refreshing the page.
Another helpful label is the Missing Info label. This is applied to reports blocked from submission on the Admin Overview page due to missing information such as expense date, expense amount, or expense category.
Submitted Page
Each report on this page shows the current approver. If there are multiple approvers, hover over Multiple Approvers to see their names.
Click at least one report to activate the Remind Approvers and Approve for Export buttons. The reminders sent from this page are the same as usual approval reminders, with the ability to approve and reject from email.
The Approve for Export marks approval as complete and sends the report directly to the Export page.
Approved Page
On this page, you'll find all reports ready for export, along with a button to take you to the Export page where you can export the reports.
Using the Admin Overview page with a subset of Admin rights:
Users can use Admin Overview without having all of the administrator rights, such as full admin and export.
Without being a full admin, users lose the ability to click on individual expense reports and masquerade as the report owner. They will be able to select expense reports and submit or approve them on the report owners' or approvers' behalf.
The export permission controls the availability of the "View Reports on Export Page" button and whether or not at Admin Overview user can click on an approved report to view its details. You can see more information here on Configuring People: Personal Permissions.