FAQ: Why is my report total incorrect? Follow
Tallie will display the total of an expense report in the company-wide currency specified in the Company Preferences section, regardless of whether a foreign currency is selected for any expense.
If your report total does not match the sum of the expenses, it may indicate that one of the expenses was entered in a currency that is not the company-wide currency. Each expense line item will show the amounts in the original currency, but the total amount on the report will automatically reflect the converted amounts in the default enterprise currency. Please note that this default currency cannot be changed for a single employee.
To see the currency code of each expense, admins can head to Settings > Company Preferences > Customize. Select Include currency code under Number Format.
Return to the report to identify which expense was submitted in a foreign currency.
To correct the currency on the expense, please follow these steps:
1. If the report has already been exported, Mark the Report as Unexported and update the currency for the expense.
2. If the report has not been exported, you can simply click on the expense to update the currency.
Please refer to the support guide Adding Transactions in Foreign Currencies for additional information.