Linking a Credit Card Follow
Tallie can be used to automatically import your credit card transactions to help keep track of your expenses. This can be done by linking a credit card.
This article will show you, a report submitter, how to link a credit card to your Tallie account and set up auto-import.
Step 1: Login to your Tallie account and click on the Credit Cards tab, then click Add a Credit Card.
Step 2: Next, choose I have different type of card unless you are an Emburse Cards Program Administrator or if you are the Administrator of a Corporate or Commerical level Card Program such (ie. Amex @ Work)
If you select 'I administrate a corporate card program', you will be directed to contact to facilitate the setup of an SFTP feed connection between Tallie and your bank.
Step 3: Next, select from the four most frequently used providers used with Tallie by clicking on the Bank Icon or select "I use a different Provider" to search for an available connection option for your bank.
The number of stars next to the connection corresponds to the strength and frequency the connection is used.
Clicking on a frequently used connection, or searching for your card, will prompt you to enter the login credentials for the credit card and any other login information required (e.g. a pin number or a security answer to a security question).
Note that for connections provided by our aggregator Finicity, the login prompt may look like the following, and it may appear in a new window or a new tab. Follow the on-screen prompts to enter your username and password.
Step 4: Your credit card will be visible on the Credit Card Profiles page.
Step 5: If you want your transaction data to be automatically populated on your purchases page, click to activate the checkmark on the "Auto-Import to Purchases" box. Once you click on this box, any new transactions that appear on the feed will be automatically imported to your purchases page. Please note that when first adding your Credit card to Tallie, it is expected that you will need to manually import your transactions to your Purchases page.
To manually import transactions from your credit card, simply click the + button on your card profile and select the transactions you want to import. This is useful if you don't want to auto-import or if you want to import the first batch of charges that came in when you connected your card. Once you've made your selections, click on "Import Transactions" to complete the process.
Note: You must be the designated cardholder or Masquerading as the assigned Cardholder to use this import method.
How do I connect my card/card program if my bank does not have a supported connection?
If you cannot locate a compatible connection option and are not eligible for SFTP connections with your bank, Tallie offers statement upload with sub-account support. This is accessed by clicking Create a profile for statement upload.
This option is available for both personal and company-paid cards.
To create a profile for statement upload, enter your issuing bank and the last 4 digits of your card. Then, click Save Credit Card Profile. For more information on our upload feature, see our article here.
If your organization already has a card/card program and you would like to delete it from Tallie, you can do so by following the steps outlined in this article: Removing a Credit Card Profile.