Creating and Submitting Expense Reports Follow
There are three ways to create an expense report with Tallie. You can use reports automatically created by Tallie from your purchases, you can submit all expenses together in one report, or submit expenses on separate reports.
This article will show you, a report submitter, how to easily create and submit an expense report.
Reports Automatically Created from Purchases
Step 1: Log in to Tallie and click the Purchases page.
Step 2: From here, you will see all of your expenses. When you submit an expense, it is automatically added to a new report. To view that report, click the Expense Reports page.
Step 3: All new expenses will be grouped under a report called New Expenses. You can edit expenses if needed by clicking on the specific expense followed by the pencil icon.
New Reports from the Expense Reports Page
Step 1: If you'd like to create a report with specific receipts, you can create another report by clicking the green + icon.
Step 2: From here, you can edit the Report Name and Report Notes. When complete, click Create Report.
New Reports from the Purchases Page
Step 1: From the Purchases page, you can create a new report by selecting specific expenses. Then, click Start Report.
Step 2: You'll be brought to your new report in the Expense Reports page. You can edit the Report Name and Report Notes by clicking Add Report Notes.
Step 3: Once your report is created, you can always add new expenses directly to the report by clicking any of the ADD buttons:
- Manually create an expense
- Create a mileage expense
- Import a credit card expense
- Attach a receipt file
Please Note: When expenses are created or imported to the Purchases page, they are placed on an auto-generated expense report in the Expense Reports tab by design. You can still select and move items within the Purchases page to create new expense reports or move items from one report to another. |
Submitting Expense Reports
Step 1: Once you've uploaded all your expenses you are ready to submit. You will see who your report will be submitted to in the report header.
Step 2: Click Submit Report when complete. Your expense report will be instantly submitted to your designated approver, who will receive an email notification.
To submit expenses via the Tallie Mobile app, please see this guide for iOS and this article for Andriod. If you cannot access or download these apps, you can access Tallie via the mobile web browser app to log in and submit expenses.